The San Diego Union-Tribune

San Diego, CA


Career Fair: March 4th, 2020 - Multiple Positions in San Diego, CA Where: Sheraton Mission Valley, San Diego Hotel 1433 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108 When: Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 between 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Free Admission Free Parking Save time: Pack weeks of interviews into four hours. Get immediate answers to your questions about open positions and company hiring processes. Make connections: Shake hands, make eye contact, and tout your skills, experience, and education. Gain access to a variety of companies and make instant connections with key hiring decision-makers. Put your resume directly into their hands. Learn from the professionals: Our expert career coach from Catalyst Career Group will offer a free, on-site career fair orientation. Upon arrival, get an overview of exhibiting companies. Find out how to navigate the career fair and identify which companies to approach. Learn career fair best practices: Networking your way to a new career. Creating a powerful networking introduction. Distinguishing yourself from competing job candidates. Ask about additional package options.

Jobs at The San Diego Union-Tribune

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The San Diego Union-Tribune
1433 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA