Part-Time Clerk
Primary Function:
The Clerk directs and coordinates purchasing, personnel records, risk management, elections, board meeting procedures, and maintenance of public records.
General Nature of Position:
This is an appointed position, which involves a variety of administrative and clerical responsibilities with state laws and village ordinances.
The Clerk attends all meetings of the Village Board and keeps official records of the proceedings, along with resolutions, ordinances, and other actions. The Clerk maintains other official records and administers elections.
An important characteristic of the office is the variety of jobs involved. The Clerk has contact with every aspect of village government. It deals with the Village President, Village Trustees and Village employees, and members of boards and commissions. The Clerk is usually the initial contact with the general public in their questions, requests, or complaints with village services.
The Clerk's office has a major role in communications with the Village Board and Utility Superintendent. It assists in coordinating projects and in following up on board decisions.
The Clerk must be able to organize, schedule, and complete work on a timely basis. The Clerk must also use good judgment, courtesy, respect, and effective communication when dealing with people. A professional manner and appearance are required.
Description of Duties:
The following covers the various duties of the Clerk's office. These duties are not to be construed as exclusive or all-inclusive as may be required or assigned.
- Responsible for all Village records management.
- Has care and custody of the village seal and uses it on official papers as requried.
- Prepares agendas and materials for Village Board and committee meetings and notifies board members of all regular and special meetings.
- Complies with the open meeting law in posting notcies of meetings and hearings.
- Transmits correspondence to Village Board and/or committees.
- Attends all meetings of the Village Board and keeps records of proceedings in the minute book.
- Publish Village Board proceedings.
- Performs pre-election and Election Day duties including preparing and publishing notices of local elections; processing of absentee ballots; preparation and testing of voting machines and purchases supplies.
- Is responsible for making sure poll workers are trained in the correct observance of election laws and regulations.
- Administers, coordinates, supervises and conducts elections held in the village and transports ballots to the County Clerk.
- Notifies the County Clerk and the Wisconsin League of Municipalities yearly of elected Village Board members and their terms.
- Administers oaths of office to public officials.
- Receives applications for operator, liquor, beer, and cigarette licenses granted by the Village Board and issues same subsequent to approval.
- Keeps a record of all licenses and permits granted and records in appropriate books.
- Signs all documents, village bonds, notes and legal notices requiring clerk/treasurer's signature.
- Handles telephone calls and office visits relating to citizen inquires, complaints or other matters pertaining to village services.
- Provides information to the public on elections, assessments, ordinances, etc.
- Does filing, copying and mailings as needed including picking up and taking the mail to the Post Office
- Checks all invoices prepares them for payment.
- Counter signs all checks for village accounts and contracts.
- Coordinates weekly time sheets for Village employees and sends to payroll service.
- Maintains and develops personnel records for all employees.
- Maintains employee vacation/sick records.
- Assists in the compilation and preparation of the annual budget.
- Calculate, bill and notify property owners of special assessments.
- Post delinquent utility and special charges/assessments to the tax roll
- Computes the tax rate, sends to the County Treasurer and verifies the rate when County Treasurer has entered it into the county computer system.
- Receives tax roll and tax bills from the county.
- Collects taxes and special assessment payments.
- Issues dog licenses.
- Distributes proportionate share of tax collections to other taxing units and makes settlement with County Treasurer.
- Serves as secretary for the Board of Review.
- Reviews the assessment roll for errors and omissions.
- Works with the assessor to update the assessment roll as necessary.
- Completes and returns surveys, questionnaires and reports requested by county, state, federal and other agencies to meet funding or reporting requirements includes, but is not limited to:
- Annual Financial Report to Wisconsin Department of Revenue Tax Exempt Property Owners
- Statement of Assessment
- Statement of Taxes
- Reports a list of alcoholic beverage and cigarette licenses issued
- Expenditure Restraint Report
- Follows all regulations set up by Public Service Commission.
- Works on collecting delinquent uti!ty accounts and shuts offs as needed.
- The first days of the month, works with the Utility Superintendent in reading water meters, prepares and mails billings.
- Prepares utility rate increases as directed by the Village Board
- Administers village insurance coverage.
- Administers village employee's health and dental insurance coverage.
- Administers village employee's Wisconsin Retirement coverage.
- Administers village employee's Income Continuation and Ufe Insurance Program.
- Files insurance claims on behalf of the village.
- Serves as Notary Public.
- Works with consultants in preparing information for village projects.
- Works with the auditors in the annual audit of financial records.
- Works with financial consultants in preparing financial records for village and utilities.
- Advises and assists village president on matters pertaining to Village Board responsibilities, events, committee appointments and expiration of terms, etc.
- Purchase supplies equipment as needed.
- Maintain, update and post to official Village website.
- Maintain Village Hall in a clean, presentable way including among other things emptying wastebaskets, vacuuming and putting the garbage out for collection.
- Keep entry way into the Village Hall free from snow.
- Perform 'all other duties required by law or by any other ordinance or other direction of the Village Board.
Deserved Minimum Qualifications:
A. Education
Training in general office practices such as data processing. Must attain CMC and/or CMTW designation within 4 years of employment and maintain certifications throughout employment.
B. Experience
Five (5) years experience involving office work, or municipal governmental work experience.
C. Substitution of Experience for Education
Any equivalent combination of education and progressively responsible experience, with additional work experience substituting for the required education on a year for year basis, may fulfil the requirements for education.
D. Necessary Knowlege, Skills and Abilities:
- Working Knowlege of:
- Computers and electronic data processing equipment/software including advanced skills with Word and Excel and other specialized municipal software.
- Modern office practices and procedures
- Accounting principles and practices
- Skill in proper and safe operation of:
- Personal computers including word processing, data base, spreadsheet, email and scanning software, calculator, phone, copy/fax machine and other standard office equipment.
- Ability to:
- Communicate effectively verbally and in writing
- Draft correspondence, council memos, etc.
- Effectively meet and deal with the public.
- Establish successful working relationships.
- Follow instructions, both oral and written.
- Perform arithmetic computations accurately and quickly.
- Speak, read and write the English language
- Work under pressure, stressful situations and/or with frequent interruptions.
V. Special Requirements:
- U.S Citizen
- Eighteen (18) years of age or older at date of appointment.
- Wisconsin Driver's Licensee, valid without record of suspension or revocation in any state - possess, or ability to obtain by date of appointment, and maintain throughout employment.
- Felonly convictions or disqualifying criminal history - non within the past seven (7) years.
- Bondable.