Search Results

Senior Business Analyst

Confidential at Arcadia, CA

Senior Business Analyst (Arcadia, CA) Conducting mkt research, analyzing data, & providing insights & recommendations to support our bus. objectives. Master's d...

Sr Case Translation Managers

Confidential at Covina, CA

Sr. Case Translation Managers (Covina, CA) Manage the legal translation processes for our immigration cases to ensure that all reqd docs are translated complete...


Confidential at Los Angeles, CA

Attorney specializing in Civil litigation, Commercial & Consumer collections & debt disputes, & Bankruptcy for our office on Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. Off...

Mechanical Engineer

Confidential at Covina, CA

Mechanical Engineer: Job/res/ad: Dauntless Industries, 806 N. Grand Avenue, Covina, CA 91724...


Confidential at Newport Beach, CA

Veterinarian(Newport Beach, CA) Diagnose, treat, or research diseases and injuries of animals. Conduct research and development, inspect livestock, or care for ...


Confidential at Irvine, CA

YCM CPA, Inc. seeks Sr. Accountant (Audit). Mstrs. in Acctg or closely rel. field. Execute audit engagements, identify process improvements. Salary: $78,978/ yr...

Office Manager

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Office Manager (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA) Supports company operations by maintaining office systems and supervising staff. Prepares, presents, and monitors th...

Solutions Engineer

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Solutions Engineer IV sought by Capital Group Companies Global in Irvine, CA. Hybrid work permitted, when not WFH must report to Irvine, CA office. Apply indust...

Senior Project Engineer

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Senior Project Engineer (ERM, Inc., Irvine, CA): Cndct air qlty anlys to idntfy, abate, or elim polltnt sourcs & hzrds. Reqs BS (or frgn eqv) in Chem Engg, Envi...

Consulting Manager

Confidential at Irvine, CA

UHY Advisors Northeast, Inc. (Irvine, CA) seeks Consulting Manager to prfrm & assist w/ sophstcatd audits, finc'l rvws, & complatns for clnts in various industr...

Business Intelligence Developer

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Business Intelligence Developer (Irvine, CA) Build dashboard / reports from multiple data sources understanding the data to solve analytical problems & providin...

Electrical Engineer

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Electrical Engineer 3, Black & Veatch Corporation, Irvine, CA. Prepare a variety of medium complex electrical engineering technical drawings for high voltage su...

Residential Advisors

Brighton Care Center at Pasadena, CA

RESIDENTIAL ADVISORS: Coordinate and administer patients and residents activities. Mail Resume: Brighton Care Center, 1836 N. Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, CA 911...

Residential Advisors

Confidential at Pasadena, CA

CAREGIVERS: Provide basic care to patients: Mail Resume: Rosescrans Care Center, 1149 W. Rosecrans Avenue, Gardena, CA 90247 Attn: HR...

Salesforce Administrator

Confidential at Beverly Hills, CA

SENIOR MANUFACTURING PROCESS ENGINEER: Global Analytical Development LLC, an Abbott Labs Co, in Pomona, CA seeks qualified Sr Mfg Process Eng. Lead a team of en...

Public Relations Specialist

Confidential at Irvine, CA

Public Relations Specialist (F/T): Plan/direct dev/communication of programs to maintain fav public & stakeholder perceptions of accomplish-ments/agenda; Draft ...

Sensor Characterization Engr

Omnivision Technologies at Irvine, CA

Financial Analyst (Irvine, CA). Master's in Finance, Applied Finance, or a reltd field; Strong understanding of GAAP, financial reporting, & financial analysis;...

Sensor Characterization Engr

Omnivision Technologies at Irvine, CA

Engineer OmniVision Technologies looks for Sensor Characterization Engr in Irvine, CA to conduct silicon validation for CMOS image sensors. Salary $110,000-$130...

Logistics Analyst

Best Logistics Technology Co. Ltd. at Chino, CA

Logistics Analyst for Best Logistics Technology Co. Ltd. Bachelor degree in supply chain management or economics . Salary $48318 Rsm to HR, 5125 Schaefer Ave, #...


Los Angeles, CA Area Jobs at Los Angeles, CA

Se SolicitaAMA DE CASA“HOUSEKEEPER” Debe manejar, y hablar bien el Inglés, trabajar 4 días a la semana, $20 la hora, Area de Sherman Oaks....